Florida Considers Eliminating Property Taxes
Get Your Discount Game On At Gabe's Department Store In Daytona Beach
Chair Jeff Brower Delivers Volusia County's State of the County
Tampa Marriott Water Street Hotel Shines Brightly Along The Riverwalk
​Would The Beatles Have Gone Disco If They Stayed Together? What is the Mozart Connection?
Bike Week Rock n Roll From Hairball And One Musician's Fight Against Cancer
Lobster On The Beach in Daytona Beach, Florida
Disney On Ice And The Acrobatics That Go With It
Daytona Beach Wants To Be Cyber Secure But Who Is In Charge
Daytona Beach International Airport New Routes Possible Hub Tennant
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I've had a 9.63% increase YOY!

Contact Me For Any Of My Scholarly Articles
I published in academia from 2009 through 2018. Cited 114 times, including four in 2024! Topics are library finances and getting hired in academia. Check it out, like something? I'll get it to you. I don't have the right to send the book. I can send the articles. !​

My Writing Style

Writing Tones
Biggest Writing Style Trends & Tones: Confidant, Curious, Joyful
Proposition 13 - America's Second Great Tax Revolt
My First Book
In 1978, the citizens of California took the historic step of voting for Proposition 13, thus reducing property taxes by 57%. Already known as a trend setting state, California's tax revolt was no different, as similar tax revisions quickly spread across the United States of America. In California, state and local governments struggled to find a way to manage the loss in revenue. On many occasions budget cuts were the solution. Library budgets were frequently the target of those cuts.

Modeling the T-shirt
Artist The Bearded Hippe Wizard
Sent with the logo work
Official photoshoot for
The Opinion Guy
Fun Friendly Informative.
Will be next month

I have the No.3 most popular article for Hometown News Volusia! Re; Daytona Beach 150th birthday celebration, City Attorney's Homeless Shelter (First Step Shelter) lawsuit conflict of interest, Cincinnati Reds' affiliate ballpark renovation update.
Check my blog for news that spans the world on travel, music and more!
I get in 1 to 5 hours of work, weekly, rewriting the book manuscript about a rock star.
Media Coverage
Print Interviews I've Given
Fun interview about my life as a freelance writer.
Christopher Galvez Author Interviews
You might have hit cntrl+find then search my name.
California Lawyers Association
Talk libraries & my book Proposition 13: America's Second Great Tax Revolt
Podcasts As A Guest
Great Convo on writing, rocking and drinking!
The Conversation with Dr. Ardain Isma
We talk about my books, where to eat in Daytona Beach and some USA history.
MINDFULNESS WITH ROOP - The Bellwether Series with Charles Guarria
Advice for new writers, journalist, authors, and fitness!
We talk writing, relationships, the rock life, COVID and more!
Author to Author with Charles Guarria: Impeccable Research
Writing and Proposition 13: America's Second Great Tax Revolt
We talk libraries and Proposition 13: America's Second Great Tax Revolt
Proposition 13 – America’s Second Great Tax Revolt: A Forty Year Struggle for Library Survival… Guarria does a great job connecting these details to the real impact on libraries in California, as well as connecting the case of California with the rest of the nation…this book should be included in collections on the resilience of libraries and in any academic collection focusing on information and library science… Guarria's conclusion still rings true…

About Me
As a freelance reporter, I cover all of Volusia County for the Hometown News, writing about small businesses, construction projects, and interviewing city officials or politicians.
As a freelance writer, I will be self-publishing my second book, it is a novel about a musician.
As a blogger, I mostly write about music and review hotels.
As a former librarian, I wrote Proposition 13: America’s Second Great Tax Revolt, a book that details library economics.
I have published in scholarly journals and am a three-time winner of Emerald Group Publishing’s Highly Commended Award.
Find out more; watch this quick video!
A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit
Richard Bach